Ian McDowell 10th November 2009

Dad, not a singal day has gone were i dont think about you . i cant understand the world sometimes obviolsy something is going wrong why is the world taking the good people and not the bad ? a kind hearted man like you shouldent be up there you should be right down here with me it dosent seem fair . i sometimes think whats the hole point in life if you can only enjoy it for a while , iv had 14 amazing years with you that im blessed to of have but the thing is i should of had many more times growing older with each other .... the times we shared were amazing you were allways there to have a laff and to come to if i had a promblem what ever the matter you were able to come up with a sulution . you have actrully turt me a valibal lesson in life to appreate everything you have because one day it could all be gone with a click of a finger the things that are most important in life are family and friends witch are PRICELESS i miss coming home after school and having a genral convosation the small things are the thing that are the best . you thought for everything in your life dad but unfortunately this was a battle you could not win, i still cant accepted the fact your never coming home , its so unreal . it just feels like a nightmear i havent woken up from , but daddy i can garantee im going to follow your footsteps and make nothing inpossible , i guess heven needed a angle up there so you were one of gods good once and he needed you more i say to my self . but one day dad just one day we will be reunited again and share even more good memories il look forward to meeting you again on the outher side LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER X